Recreational Maritime Activities
Finland’s geographical situation, its long coasts and unique archipelago and its extensive inland waterways offer numerous opportunities for recreation, the most important of which are boating, skin-diving, angling, lifesaving and sea scouting, and related training and competitions and manufacturing of equipment. The Maritime Society does not want to intrude on any of these areas, but wishes to emphasize safety, environmental protection and high-quality training and civic education in these sectors too.
The most important organization in boating is Suomen Purjehdus ja Veneily (Yachting and boating in Finland). Association together with member associations act as developers in their sectors but also look after the interests of their members. The Finnish Navigation Association and its member societies work solely for navigation studies as a hobby. The Finnish Marine Industries Federation Finnboat is the nation-wide central organization of the boatbuilding and boat equipment sector.
Sukeltajaliitto ry (the Divers’ Association) is the central organization of divers.
The Finnish Lifeboat Society coordinates voluntary lifesaving activities. Sea scouts are organized in local troops, whose nation-wide central organization is the Guides and Scouts of Finland.
Sail Training Association Finland, founded on the initiative of the Maritime Society in 1973, engages in voluntary youth work at sea and is responsible for sail training activities. Working as a crewmember on board a sailing ship promotes adaptability, teamwork ability and consideration of others and teaches young people to take responsibility for themselves, others and the community. Sail Training Association Finland also represents the country in the Sail Training International (STI) organization.